28 May, 2008

obrigado caneta vermelha

26 May, 2008

They look in the mirror, see themselves
They look in the mirror, they look at me

25 May, 2008

You ain't got no soul power
You ain't got no soul power
You ain't got no soul power

24 May, 2008

23 May, 2008

já ouvi isto nalgum lado: É POR ISSO QUE NÃO SÃO ELAS A COMANDAR!

22 May, 2008

Now that its over this weight is off my shoulder
Now that its over I love you more and more
death from above 1979

21 May, 2008

"A programação existe pra manter você na frente
Na frente da TV, que é pra te entreter
Que pra você não ver que programado é você"

Gabriel, O pensador

20 May, 2008

Be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do
I am he and she is she but you're the only you
No one else has got your eyes, can see the things you see
It's up to you to change your life and my life's up to me
The problems that you suffer from are problems that you make
The shit we have to climb through is the shit we choose to take
If you don't like the life you live, change it now it's yours
Nothing has effects if you don't recognise the cause
If the programme's not the one you want, get up, turn off the set
It's only you that can decide what life you're gonna get
If you don't like religion you can be the antichrist
If your tired of politics you can be an anarchist
But no one ever changed the church by pulling down a steeple
And you'll never change the system by bombing number ten
Systems just aren't made of bricks they're mostly made of people
You may send them into hiding, but they'll be back again
If you don't like the rules they make, refuse to play their game
If you don't want to be a number, don't give them your name
If you don't want to be caught out, refuse to hear their question
Silence is a virtue, use it for your own protection
They'll try to make you play their game, refuse to show your face
If you don't want to be beaten down, refuse to join their race
Be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do
I am he and she is she but you're they only you

19 May, 2008

só mais um

16 May, 2008

14 May, 2008

ohhh you are so

(baaah encontrei-o por aqui...)

13 May, 2008


12 May, 2008


apesar de estar um tanto ou quanto rudimentar e nada realista, gosto do resultado...
talvez pela forma como vemos o mundo hoje em dia em que tudo tem de ser real e quando foge um bocadinho à regra é especial, controverso e capta a atenção, apenas pela simples razao de fugir da chamada "normalidade".

11 May, 2008

quanto mais melhor

um dois em um!

10 May, 2008

o que gosto mesmo e de trabalhar numa imagem e deixa-la num contexto que embora simples a envolve e acolhe... aqui com uma flor e uma caneta preta, o resultado esta a vista!

08 May, 2008

hip hip hurra!

deem-me um E

deem-me um M

deem-me um O

07 May, 2008

beating beating beating beating beating

01 May, 2008